TEXT: 1 Cor14:20, prov23:7 Nkjv
Every believer has the responsibility to grow. Scripture shows that we all start out stuttering and speaking like children, but it behooves us to move to maturity. A mother can tolerate a child’s diaper changing for a while, but child must be potty trained after a while. You are what you think. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.
we all come to the kingdom at the rudimentary stage of babyhood, looking like where we came from ( the world), just like babies are born with all the yucky stuff that surrounded them in the womb and birth canal where they came from, and to look pretty they are cleaned up.
Maturity has nothing to do with how much Bible you know, scriptures you can quote or how long you have been born again, but has to do with our thoughts. Rich thoughts.
⁃ The real blessing of the covenant is reserved for adult. The covenant is a will and no will is enacted with children they have to come to maturity to access it.
⁃ God will wait for you to mature enough to be able to handle the glory Rom 8:19 says creation awaits our maturity (manifestation )
⁃ We are to be like children in simply believing God in faith, but like adults in thoughts.
⁃ Thoughts lead to actions and actions affect your destiny. Both God and the devil access your life through your thoughts to bless or curse your life. Managing your thoughts is tantamount to managing your life.
⁃ 2Cor10:3-5 NLT/KJV we do not wage war to get victory using mere human natural fleshly techniques. Godly weapons must be enlisted. Bring every thought to captivity.
⁃ Thoughts are not monuments, but movements. They could be weak or strong. Thoughts affect our feelings. They must be intentional. Some have so much and feel like failure some have little and are happy feeling like they have much just based on thoughts. America is richer than many nations yet consumes much more anti depressants than most impoverished nations.
⁃ Predominant thoughts lead to acting out against one’s ideals; like a pulmonologist (“lung doctor”) who walks out of a bronchoscopy on his patient with lung cancer from cigarette smoking and heads straight to smoke himself. Thoughts lead to action. There is a power to do corresponding action to our thoughts. May God grant us the power to think right and live out what is right. The real proof of our belief is our action. You only really believe what you do. The Bible you believe is only the one you do.
⁃ Thoughts are not static but progressive. Negative thoughts condoned, tolerated and left to fester unattended lead to strong holds. We have to be willing to confront and admit terrible thoughts. You cannot conquer what you refuse to confront.
⁃ Business people say everyone gets at least 3 life changing thoughts in a lifetime. Only few take action. God promotes us by giving us insights concepts and ideas.
⁃ Matt6:31 Take no thought saying…. Refuse to say thoughts you do not want. Do not take ( give ownership) to negative thoughts by saying them. Do not speak negatively of yourself or loved ones.
⁃ Accolades, amassed wealth, academic prowess, and accomplishments do not bring fulfillment or joy. It lies in God’s presence. In his presence is fullness of joy.
⁃ Rom 4:17 “…. God calls those things that be not as though they were”. He does not speak according to circumstances, what we see or feel but according to what He wants to see.
Lord help me to filter my thoughts through your word and with the help of the Holy Spirit conquer in the battle field of my mind. Help me think positively and empower me to act in accordance with what you say.